4 Areas for Business Technology Resolutions in 2021

Happy New Tech Year!
Before we talk about any business technology resolution, let’s start with a collective sigh of relief.
It’s 2021 and like the beginning of most years, there is still a lot to clean up from the previous year. But despite the extra intensity of 2020 (or maybe because of it), the beginning of 2021 brings with it hope: Hope that the new year will be healthier and happier. Hope that we spend more of it face to face. And hope for each of our personal lives that this year we may follow those resolutions!
In between your personal resolutions and our collective national resolutions, perhaps you have some at the level of your workplace?
I’m curious what your New Year’s Resolutions might be – particularly in the way of technology. And since tech is our beat, I’d now like to present some technology areas to Improve in 2021. Some of these will be opportunities to replace old items. Others will be more about how to use what you have to improve your experience. So without further ado, for your Business Technology Resolution Consideration – 4 Places Where You Can Use Technology to Improve Your Business in 2021.
Business Security Technology Resolutions
Security is a big word. And by that I mean it covers a lot of ground. Security has to to with document and email privacy as well as the safety of your building and employees.
There’s a lot you can do yourself with existing technology to improve your online security. Follow recommended password complexity guidlines. Don’t reuse passwords. Change them periodically. It seems small but the effects can be major. Following these suggestions is an easy resolution for 2021.
When it comes to physical safety, technology can help you a lot of ways! Most obviously surveillance cameras can be helpful for discouraging potential danger or mischief. Entry control can also help in keeping a building and employees secure. Plus in today’s pandemic crisis, we have access control with facial recognition that can also check temperature and make sure anyone entering a building is following mask guidelines. This prevents an employee from having to have a face to face conflict with someone who is trying to flout laws or company safety policy – a safety twofer.
Improving Efficiency
Do you need to read a manual every time you change your voicemail message? Or worse, are you unable to change it even when it has a different person’s message on it because you don’t know how? If so, it’s time to think about something new. When you save time, you save money. And when you give out incorrect information, or can’t get your information out, you potentially lose money. Upgrade your equipment for a better bottom line. Resolve to improve in 2021!
Tech for Connection
Technology often gets a bad rap for causing social isolation but in this past year when physical closeness was often not a safe option, technology was also a lifeline. Zoom allowed us to gather in a group or meet face to face without being in the same room. We were more likely than ever to use our phones or facetime. But some of us are less comfortable with technology than others. I want to take this opportunity to give a shout out to a colleague – Commonwealth Computer Services has an excellent service available called Senior Technology Tutoring. CCS works with older clients to help teach them how to use the tech available to them until they are comfortable with it. If you have an older relative who is not comfortable with computers, tablets, smartphones or some of the programs on them, give CCS a call and they will be able to help and really decrease their isolation.
Network – A Strong Core
Ever go to an exercise class? Even if you haven’t, chances are you heard people who did go talk about their core. The core is your torso: abs, back, etc. Why does it matter so much? Everything else connects to it. If you don’t have a strong core, you’re not strong.
In technology terms, that’s your network. If your network infrastructure is in bad shape, everything you put on it can only do so well. What is your network infratructure? Switches, cabling and wireless access points.
Chances are if you’re reading this on a PC at work, you infrastructure is fine for what you are doing now. But if you make any changes to your tech, you may need to upgrade it. If your office hasn’t had any remodeling or recabling in the last decade, you are probably running off of older cable. Modern equipment runs off of Cat 5e or Cat 6 cable. Older telephone systems run off of Cat 3. If cat 3 is what you have in place, you’re not ready for most new equipment. It’s important to keep your infrastructure in mind whenever you are making any changes around your office. If you’re doing a remodel, take the opportunity to recable. It will be less expensive during a remodel or other upgrade than trying to add it on to a necessary project in the future.
So, I’m not telling you what your New Year’s resolutions should be. But if you’re looking to improve your business, I hope this post has given you some idea how to do that. Happy New Year! We hope to work with you in 2021!