
4 Concerns About Cloud Phone Service

4 Concerns About Cloud Phone Service

As we return to work after sleeping off our turkey hangovers, we should take the time to reflect on what we're thankful for in our workplaces, too. Perhaps it's simply having a job, the people you work with, or even the equipment you use daily. Some of that equipment may...
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Why You Need Professional Surveillance Installation

Why You Need Professional Surveillance Installation

There are a lot of camera systems and a lot of people who install them. Prices range from a few bucks for out-of-the-box plug-and-play models to tens of thousands for state-of-the-art custom systems. So how do you decide what’s for you? To start, you need professional surveillance installation. While it...
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Phones for Field Technicians

Phones for Field Technicians

At RCI, during our busiest weeks, our office is mostly empty. The techs are in the field installing cameras and telephone systems, reprogramming phones for new users, running cable, or giving IT support to the people who need it where they need it. So, we deeply understand the need for...
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Dependable Cabling Infrastructure and Wireless Networks Go Hand In Hand

Dependable Cabling Infrastructure and Wireless Networks Go Hand In Hand

In a world where you can make calls, process information, listen to music, and watch television, all without plugging into a phone or data cable, it would be easy to believe that cabling infrastructure no longer matters. And while you'd be forgiven for that misconception, it's a mistake nonetheless. You...
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IT Subcontractors for SW Virginia

IT Subcontractors for SW Virginia

We all need a little help sometimes. It doesn’t matter how big you get; you can’t go it alone. For most businesses, that means hiring specialists for the areas where they’re not the experts, such as landscaping or IT support. And for the big technology companies with National or global...
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IT Support for the Medical Industry

IT Support for the Medical Industry

RCI has hundreds of clients in nearly as many industries across Virginia and the surrounding states. And while every workplace is unique, there are certain features that particular sectors strongly tend to use more often. Here’s how we provide IT support for the medical industry. It Support For The Medical...
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With VOIP Telephone Service, Does Anyone Miss Landlines?

With VOIP Telephone Service, Does Anyone Miss Landlines?

VOIP telephone service and cell phones have edged out landlines in how businesses and everyday people make phone calls. Landlines were a quintessential part of communication and home life for decades. It was the 80s when cell phones came along and the 90s when they became more common. But it...
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Local IT Support Still Matters

Local IT Support Still Matters

The business world has been moving more and more toward a distributed workforce. And it makes sense. When a job can be done anywhere, business owners benefit from a much larger candidate pool and lower overhead costs. And employees can skip their morning commute and improve their work-life balance. But...
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Top 6 Reasons for Upgrading Your Surveillance System

Top 6 Reasons for Upgrading Your Surveillance System

If you have a surveillance system in your workplace, you're automatically a step ahead of similar businesses regarding safety. But what type of camera system do you have? And how old is it? After all, technology constantly evolves, and upgrading your surveillance system might be necessary to maintain the effectiveness...
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Top 7 Reasons for Sound and Overhead Paging

Top 7 Reasons for Sound and Overhead Paging

After telephones, sound and overhead paging were the second product installation line, RCI entered. In the 80s and 90s, it was a natural outgrowth of telephone systems because so many customers wanted to be able to use their telephone paging feature through overhead speakers. Today, in the era of cell...
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